Mike Claridge

website and  resources

Website updated:   Wednesday 12th February 2025 at 14:20


I’m Mike Claridge and I’m a church minister

having worked most recently in an

ecumenical (joint) congregation comprising
The Methodist Church,
The Church of England, and
The United Reformed Church.

I retired from that role at the end of October 2024
but , subject to it’s Conference in June 2025,

I will be admitted into Full Connexion with

The Methodist Church and minister in that context in

The Hidden River Circuit

(formerly Walsall and Brownhills & Willenhall Circuits) 

I live in Pelsall, West Midlands (but historically Staffordshire) where I grew up

and family roots go way, way back.  See ‘Genealogy’ on the ‘About’ page.

As well as being my personal webspace this is also a resource site for

individuals and churches.  This site is updated regularly.   Feedback welcome.

This website is currently being revised following my recent retirement.

Coal, Iron, Lime …. and a bit of Gospel

When lock-down started in 2020 I started producing a short video reflection

on YouTube, based on the week’s Gospel reading.
Episodes 001 - 133 were called ‘Reflection for The Cotteridge Church.

Then, in February 2023, I changed the approach somewhat
and used the local history of Birmingham and The Black Country
to reflect on the week’s Gospel.
  Episodes 134 - 188 are called ‘Coal, Iron, Lime … and a bit of Gospel.

The link below takes you to my site on YouTube where you’ll find all 188 videos,
and a few different ones too, arranged from most recent first.
I’m taking a break from producing them at the moment but, in the interim, enjoy!

Videos by mjclaridge on YouTube.  Click here.

Preaching Appointments

Sunday 16th March (Lent 2)

 10.30am Pelsall Methodist Church

Tuesday 18th March

 7.30pm Lea Brook Methodist Church (by Zoom)

Sunday 20th April (Easter Day)

 10.30am Brownhills Methodist Church

Gospel retellings

by The Revd Phil Summers.

Available on his YouTube channel called
Perfect Little Gentleman

Latest News from the churches

News from three
and partners

Daily Devotions

from The Methodist Church and The United Reformed Church

(Click images for websites)

Lectionary Links and Materials

Lectionary readings
Lectionary readings, for all days not just Sundays, are now available via the
Oremus website’s Almanac.  Please click the link below and then choose the ‘View’ option  from the menu at the top of the page.  You can then choose the day
required from the calendar on the right hand side.

Oremus Almanac

The Vine at Home Worship Resource

with links to hymns on YouTube

Worship Notes from the URC

Liturgies with hymn suggestions

23rd February

For more resources click below:

The Methodist Church           The Church of England            The United Reformed Church

“We have just enough religion to make us hate but not enough to make us love one another.”  (Jonathan Swift)


Sri Lanka Page
(click flag)
Reflections from
my friend The Rt Revd Duleep DeChickera

“Be compassionate as God is compassionate”  (Luke 6:36))

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